Everything DiSC® Offerings

Everything DiSC is the leading suite of DiSC-based corporate training and assessment solutions. The Everything DiSC® model is a simple tool that’s
been helping people to connect for over thirty years. Project teams using DiSC report 20% reduction in project completion time while 5%
under budget. Employers using DiSC to develop individuals and teams report below industry average employee turnover.
These advanced applications combine online assessment, classroom facilitation, and post-training follow-up to create powerful, personalized workplace development experiences. Everything DiSC® uses adaptive testing, an interactive assessment process that taylors questions based on an individual’s responses, to
provide the most precise DiSC style assignment possible. All five offerings include individual profiles and access to additional online resources. All can be delivered virtually as well as face-to-face.
Everything DiSC Workplace®
A personalized learning experience in which participants understand and appreciate the styles of the
people they work with. The result is more effective and productive working relationships. Everything DiSC
Workplace® focuses on discovering your own DiSC style, understanding the style of others, and building
more effective relationships. For everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the
quality of the workplace. Includes a one-day (6 hours) workshop and materials.
Everything DiSC: Work of Leaders®
Work of Leaders approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship, as opposed to the one-to-one
relationship explored in Everything DiSC Management®. It focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a
group or organization toward desired outcomes. Using the framework of Vision, Alignment, and Execution,
Work of Leaders encourages leaders to understand their own leadership styles and how they impact their
effectiveness. Rich, compelling narrative adds depth to the data and strong visuals support the learning
process by illustrating key messages. Includes one-day (8 hours) workshop, materials, and coaching.
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict®
Workplace conflict is inevitable. Productive Conflict helps learners improve self-awareness around conflict
behaviors and focus on curbing destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive,
ultimately improving workplace results and relationships. Everything DiSC Productive Conflict® helps
learners effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict with a
step-by-step process for conflict resolution. Includes one-day workshop and materials.